About Hartsgrove Church
Hartsgrove Community Church UCC is more than just a church.
We're a gathering place for fellowship, fun, family, and faith.
We are a family church where all who enter are part of the family.
We are waiting to welcome you into our church family!
♫♪ Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above ♫♪
We're a gathering place for fellowship, fun, family, and faith.
We are a family church where all who enter are part of the family.
We are waiting to welcome you into our church family!
♫♪ Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above ♫♪
About Pastor Robin Stanley
Pastor Robin Stanley is a licensed minister in the United Church of Christ, who was chosen by the church to lead Sunday worship and share in the life of the church in both trials and triumphs. She has lived 8 minutes from the church her whole life and thinks of the church and congregation as home.
Pastor Robin was most recently the Director of Christian Education at First Congregational Church of Claridon UCC. She has been a camp director, counselor and camper at Pilgrim Hills and Templed Hills Camps for the Heartland Conference and has counselled for Dunkirk Camp and Conference Center, a UCC camp in Dunkirk, NY. Pastor Robin is a bi-vocational pastor and attorney, employed at Ibold & O’Brien during the week. She has been with the church since 2016 and the full-time pastor since 2019. |
About Marsha Horne
Marsha Horne has been the Sunday School teacher at Hartsgrove for about 10 years. She teaches it because she has always enjoyed working with children. The young children are so eager to learn, and it's fun listening to them and watching them grow in their faith.
Marsha's favorite Bible story is Noah's Ark, and her favorite verse is John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Marsha and her husband Jeff have been attending Hartsgrove for the past 25 years. They have two grown sons, Joshua and Joseph, and three granddaughters. They live in WIndsor. |